CONFEA – Três Porquinhos

I worked on this commercial performing the following tasks: set dressing, modeling the wolf (excluding the clothing and grooming), and simulating the bricks falling to the ground and breaking the wall. This work was done for the studio Plural Imagem e Som.

Yara – Influencer Virtual

I created this virtual influencer character for 7Filmes called Yara.

I used: Maya, Arnold, Substance Painter, Zbrush and Photoshop

Suzuki RV 90

Eu modelei como freelancer esta moto Suzuki RV 90 para o studio ÁtomoVFX, para portfolio pessoal eu texturizei e fiz este vídeo.
Software usados: Maya, V-ray, Substance Painter, Photoshop, PFtrack e After Effects.

I modeled this Suzuki RV 90 motorcycle as a freelancer for ÁtomoVFX studio. For my personal portfolio, I textured it and created this video.

Software used: Maya, V-ray, Substance Painter, Photoshop, PFtrack, and After Effects.

Honda Civic 2021

In this project I worked on lighting and camera animation of some scenes for Big Studio.

Lighting and Camera Animation

Lighting and Camera Animation

Lighting and Camera Animation

Lighting and Camera Animation

Lighting and Camera Animation

Lighting and Camera Animation


I made this model for Spotify for 3D printing, they printed it for a Spotify event.

Reference to modeling


Short Movie Fan Art Tennis Clash

I created this Short for my Personal Portfolio, It is a Fan Artwork based on Wildlife Studios’s Tennis Clash. It took me 3 months for developing this work from beginning to end. Hope you like it!