Suzuki RV 90

Eu modelei como freelancer esta moto Suzuki RV 90 para o studio ÁtomoVFX, para portfolio pessoal eu texturizei e fiz este vídeo.
Software usados: Maya, V-ray, Substance Painter, Photoshop, PFtrack e After Effects.

I modeled this Suzuki RV 90 motorcycle as a freelancer for ÁtomoVFX studio. For my personal portfolio, I textured it and created this video.

Software used: Maya, V-ray, Substance Painter, Photoshop, PFtrack, and After Effects.

Short Movie Fan Art Tennis Clash

I created this Short for my Personal Portfolio, It is a Fan Artwork based on Wildlife Studios’s Tennis Clash. It took me 3 months for developing this work from beginning to end. Hope you like it!

Animação Pele

I did everything to Gaz Produções.
Trabalho feito para Gaz Produções

Asics Gel Nimbus 17

I modeled, texturized and rendered the tennis at the end of the movie to FarmFX. Composing Fabiano Waewell.



Trabalho de animação e finalização realizado na produtora Laruccia.
Trabalhei na modelagem, textura e rendering.

H2O Frutas

Compositing effects created by the folks over at the ÁtomoVFX.
I did the texture and model of the grapefruit.